According to Webopedia ‘a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers that deliver webpages and other web content to a user based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the webpage and a content delivery server’.

How does it work?


1. CDN saves copies of your data on multiple servers in numerous geographic locations.

2. When the end-user sends the request to the central server, CDN redirects that request to the edge server that can provide the highest content delivery speed.
The content delivery speed provided by the particular server primarily depends on two factors:
– the distance between the server and the end-user;
– the amount of traffic handled by the server at any particular moment.

3. The edge server with the highest content delivery speed sends the end-user the requested data.

How does that benefit you?

Besides the obvious benefit of the speed for end-users there are many more benefits for online businesses:

  • CDN divides your website traffic among its multiple edge servers that offloads your central servers. Hence, you can sustain the same amount of traffic while operating on less hardware and subsequently decreasing the cost of your infrastructure;

  • Better content delivery speed for end-users increases customer satisfaction and in turn drives more sales for online businesses;

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  • The storage of data’s copies on different severs minimizes the damage from any of them being down. By having traffic redirected from failed servers to available ones, CDN increases a website’s uptime and the number of happy customers/sales;

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  • Because the use of CDN provides additional server capacity, your website can sustain higher traffic.

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Through our partnership with Akamai and Limelight, Spark::red can offer CDNs to maximize the website performance of your e-commerce business. Find out more about our partnerships and the ways they can benefit you on ‘Our Partners’ page.